Where Are We Going to Eat?

CodeDay Labs 2020 ∙ 
Mentor: Alan Sproat, Senior Mobile Developer at RealPage

Team members: Jackson Ho, Erick Espinoza

Where are we going to eat?

App to find (using google maps api) local restaurants, put them in a list, then randomly select one. If time permits, keep a log of which were selected and prevent reselection of recent ones, and track personal ratings of the choices.

(I have done this project myself but feel it is a great one in that it touches on many useful aspects of mobile development: APIs, Local Database, Scrolling Lists, etc.)

In Android, iOS, or both.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

CodeDay Labs advanced-track team
Participation Certificate
