Using the Digi-key Electronics kit to make a never ending frogger-like game, all running on the OLED display on the kit. This was made to be hooked up to a external battery(after a breakout from the Grove kit due to size) and used as a sort of handheld game to play to pass time.
uses the u8x8 library rather than u8g2, has slightly less functionality but 1/3 the dynamic memory requirements, so it was necessary to make the shift.(also why some of the functions may seem new if you only used the u8g2)
uses the red and green buttons both for menu as well as gameplay
the button preset to D6 is a reset button
score scaled with difficulty
LED/buzzer come on with loss
high score functionality(only persists while charged)
How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?
no prior experience with arduino or C/C++.
0 artistic ability. so we got symbols instead.
Experience with Lua/Java/HTML/CSS/JS.