CareBear - Larissa Tsai's Team

CodeDay Labs 2021 ∙ 
A fun self-care web app, inspired by the #selfcare mobile app, built with Node.js and React. The web app has different self care stations or activities that users can choose from and all of these activities are connected to the main page.

There are three activities users can access through this web app's home page:
- Quote: Generates a random inspirational quote that users can share through different social media platforms
- Activities: Gives users random activities to do that will help improve their mental and physical health
- Game: Sliding puzzle game with customizable image that users can play

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Our CodeDay Labs team is in the beginner track. Before this project, we both had some previous coding experience, but not with the tech stack and languages that are necessary in this project. Lenci has around one year of coding experience, mainly with Java. She also has some project experience with mobile app development. Benjamin has three years of coding experience, mainly with Java and Python, but does not have any project experience. In our project, we used some online tutorials in order to get started with the web app and the activities.

What challenges did you encounter?

The main challenge we faced was the learning curve as all of the tech stacks and coding languages were new to us. Another challenge we faced was the time constraint. We originally wanted to have a bubbles theme where users would be able to pop the bubbles on the main page and in the activities. However, using react-spring for the animations took longer than we expected so we were unable to finish this. Furthermore, since it was our first time using Github for a team project, we encountered many issues when pulling and pushing our code.
Participation Certificate



