GPTech Squad

CodeDay Summer 2023Kolkata(history) ∙ 
NOTE: In the limited time frame of a few hours in the day-long hackathon, I was only able
to develop a prototype of the same but I look forward to continuing working on it and improving it.
Welcome to the fascinating world of ChatGPT-AltVerse! This remarkable AI language model exists in a parallel universe where the roles are delightfully reversed. Unlike traditional AI assistants, ChatGPT-AltVerse has a unique approach that will engage and challenge users in innovative ways.

In this alternate reality, instead of providing direct answers, ChatGPT-AltVerse thrives on curiosity and interaction. You'll discover that the AI has a penchant for posing intriguing questions in response.
Through a series of thought-provoking questions in maths, you'll be challenged to arrive at the solution on your own, fostering a deeper understanding of the concepts involved.

Aspiring storytellers will find an inspiring companion in ChatGPT-AltVerse. Instead of helping you with drafting your story, this app will challenge you with prompts. Your creative journey will be elevated as you collaborate with ChatGPT-AltVerse to build immersive narratives, weaving together plot twists, character development, and captivating worlds.

The primary focus of ChatGPT-AltVerse is to empower users to explore their potential, learn through active participation, and stimulate their imagination. It aims to foster a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as users develop their skills in problem-solving, creative writing, and critical thinking.

Step into this extraordinary alternate universe and discover the joy of learning and creating together with ChatGPT-AltVerse. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and delighted as you embark on an exciting journey of knowledge and imagination!

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

I have an intermediate level of experience in web development, and I'm proud to say that I built my projects from scratch without relying on any art, music, or starter kits. This hands-on approach has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the development process and hone my skills in creating custom solutions tailored to specific project requirements. I coded customs logics and React elements and I didn't even use a CSS library.

What challenges did you encounter?

Implementing language sentiment analysis proved to be a challenging task for me initially. However, I persevered and eventually discovered a new library that helped me overcome the difficulties I encountered. Along the way, I gained valuable insights and learned new techniques in the field of sentiment analysis, which has expanded my knowledge and skill set.

Undoubtedly, working solo on such a complex project presented its own set of time-related challenges. Nevertheless, I remained dedicated to the task and managed to make progress despite the constraints. Moving forward, I am determined to continue refining the project and exploring ways to enhance its performance and accuracy.
Participation Certificate




Shivansh Shalabh