Solar Eclipse Calc

CodeDay Summer 2023Bengaluru(history) ∙ 
The first thing the code does is import the ephem and datetime modules. These modules will be used to calculate the distance between the moon and the sun.

The next thing the code does is define the start and end dates for the calculation. The start date is inputed by the user and the end date is inputed by the user.

The code then creates objects for the moon, the sun, and the observer. The observer is located at sea level and has a pressure of 0 atmospheres.

The next thing the code does is enter a loop that iterates over the dates from the start date to the end date. For each date, the code calculates the distance between the moon and the sun.

The code then checks to see if the distance is less than 1.59754941 degrees. If it is, the code prints the date and the distance. The code then advances the date by one day.
If the distance is greater than 1.59754941 degrees, the code advances the date by five minutes..

The code continues to iterate over the dates until it reaches the end date.

OutPut Formate {beside sumbit button} ==> yyyy-mm-dd || time || degree(angle)

pkgs needed to run: curses, ephem, datetime, PLI, tkinter.

What challenges did you encounter?

The Main Challenge tht i faced was getting the backgroud set using tkiner in python that took hella hours.
Participation Certificate


Jagath Sajjan