Among Us: Aftermath Adventure

CodeDay Summer 2023Bengaluru(history) ∙ 
Embark on the Epic Aftermath of Among us. This game picks up right after the thrilling events of Among Us. Astro Dude, wrongfully ejected from the spaceship, now faces a daunting challenge of returning safely.

The crux of an astronaut's toolkit lies in harnessing the power of multi-directional thrusters, a vital element for navigating the vastness of space with the arrow keys(up, down, left & right) to avoid colliding with the space obstacles.

Beware, any collision will trigger a rebound in the opposite direction. Stay vigilant and keep Astro Dude within the playable area, or risk losing him to the unforgiving vastness of the universe, fading away into the cosmic abyss. Can you guide him back to his spaceship and rewrite his destiny? The fate of Astro Dude lies in your hands!

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Our group consists of individuals with a wide spectrum of coding expertise, ranging from complete novices to seasoned professionals. With the theme revolving around an astronaut's toolkit, our project encompasses a thrilling game which commences at the conclusion of the well-known title, "Among Us". We brought our creative vision to life by leveraging digital media to craft captivating graphics. Additionally, we take pride in creating the background music entirely from scratch, culminating in an obstacle course-style gameplay that promises an exciting and immersive experience for players.
Participation Certificate


Abhay Kumar Das