CodeDay Summer 2023Vadodara(history) ∙ 
We made a website with concept of exchanging coupons or vouchers. Like on our website you can sell your coupons and if someone who actually need that then he/she will approach you by our website and then seller & customer can trade(deal)coupons with some money. Example wise :- If i made an online payment & i got voucher of 10% of on nike sneakers but I don't really need it so i can sell it on XCOU(our website name) & worldwide or in india someone exploring on our website & he founds the coupon of 10% off & then he will reach/contact to me and we can make a trade/deal like i sell the coupon in 50 rs. So I've also earned 50rs from coupon which is not useful for me & customer will also get 10% discount on sneakers( here customers can bargain also, by chat with seller) Here we haven't completed whole website with backend also bcz in 12hrs it was not much possible but we have tried our best in front end & designing and worked on our idea also.

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

Our group don't have any professional experience. This is our first time of building project(website). No art or music used in our project it's just a webpage with our concept & with the theme of superhero(as given by you) we made our project with help of HTML,CSS & VS Code(as code editor).

What challenges did you encounter?

Designing & CSS Entities
Participation Certificate




Abhishek Gharia