Har Wonder "Mom" ki kahani

Join wonder mom in a wacky adventure as she whacks her mischievous mini-mes with a rolling pin in the ultimate game of skill and fun. Get ready to whack , laugh and conquer evil in the most hilarious way possible.

What tools did you use to create your project?

How much experience does your group have? Does the project use anything (art, music, starter kits) you didn't create?

We actually had zero experience in this matter but we researched our way through and managed to come up with this awesome idea. We were super scared that it would not work out and that we would not be able to execute it but after literally hours of scouring our brains, we were able to figure out a decent way to execute our idea.
We created a storyline from scratch, and we took inspiration from one of the jokes that we made while brainstorming, the said joke being 'a belan hits harder that anything else' which I seriously don't know where it came from but at least it gave us inspiration.

What challenges did you encounter?

Coding itself was the most tedious, and time consuming process also because we never learned anything other than our required syllabus. We thought making a presentation would suffice but really, we came in terms with reality after consulting the volunteers (it broke our heart to hear that we'll just have to use chatgpt)
Chatgpt was also a challenge, though people don't say this but making a suitable prompt in chatgpt is a talent in itself.